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Will It Hurt to Have Your Teeth Cleaned?

January 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — demartinodental @ 2:00 pm
Female dental patient sitting in chair and smiling

It has been a long time since you last visited the dentist. Lately, you have been thinking of changing that by scheduling a preventive dentistry appointment. However, you can’t help but feel nervous, especially when it comes to the cleaning; will it hurt? To help you put your mind at ease for your upcoming dental visit, here is what you can expect when it comes to discomfort.

Do Teeth Cleanings Hurt?

Under normal circumstances, they shouldn’t. However, individuals who haven’t seen the dentist for a while are more likely to suffer from troublesome symptoms such as inflamed gums or decayed teeth. This can leave your smile more sensitive than normal, thus leading to discomfort during the cleaning process.

If you do notice any pain, tell your dentist or hygienist immediately. They’ll take whatever steps they need to in order to keep you as comfortable as possible while you’re in the dental chair.

What Can You Do to Reduce Pain While Your Teeth Are Being Cleaned?

There are some steps you can take to keep your discomfort under control during a routine dental cleaning:

  • Take an Over-the-Counter Painkiller Beforehand: Ibuprofen and other pain relievers can go a long way toward reducing inflammation while your teeth and gums are being cleaned.
  • Ask for Local Anesthetic: A local anesthetic can be used to keep your mouth numb during a dental procedure. It is normally used during restorative treatments such as filling placement, but you can ask your dentist about having it administered for a routine cleaning.
  • Switch to Desensitizing Toothpaste: If your teeth are especially sensitive, you may be able to reduce your discomfort by using desensitizing toothpaste. It can take a few weeks for the effects to become obvious, so be sure to give yourself plenty of time to prepare for your appointment.
  • Be Gentle While Brushing: Being overly aggressive while brushing can make your teeth more sensitive in general. To protect your smile, get in the habit of brushing gently. You should also make sure that your toothbrush has soft bristles.
  • Improve Your Oral Hygiene: Practicing excellent oral hygiene can make your routine cleanings easier. In addition to brushing at least two times a day, try to get in the habit of flossing on a daily basis. You may also want to think about scraping your tongue or rinsing with mouthwash.

Routine dental cleanings are important for keeping your smile safe. If concerns about pain are discouraging you from getting the preventive dental care you need, let your dentist know; they can help you explore your options for staying comfortable.

About the Author

Dr. Jeffrey R. DeMartino earned his Doctor of Dental Medicine at the Fairleigh S. Dickinson School of Dental Medicine. His Phillipsburg practice, DeMartino Dental Group, offers a wide range of dental services, including routine checkups and cleanings. If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. DeMartino, visit his website or call (908) 859-5260.

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