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Why Your Dentist in Phillipsburg Treats Cavities in Baby Teeth

February 6, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:25 pm

Your dentist in Phillipsburg wants to dispel the myth that baby teeth don’t matter. They play a huge role in your child’s oral development and make huge difference in their future quality of life. That’s why working to prevent cavities and getting current cavities treated are both incredibly important for your child.

If you’re not convinced, take a moment to read these points from your dentist. It should help convince you to take better care of your child’s baby teeth.

Decayed Teeth Hurt and Cause Infection

When teeth become decayed or diseased, your child suffers through mouth pain that could have easily been avoided. This will make feeding far more difficult once they are introduced to tougher foods.

Your child is also at a higher risk of infection because their inner tooth has become exposed. Once the tooth enamel is lost, it cannot grow back like other regenerative areas of the body. If your child suffers an infection, it can be lethal, so don’t let their cavities go unnoticed even if it is a baby tooth.

Eating Well-Balanced Meals is More Difficult

As your child gets older, they’ll need to be introduced to tougher foods to build a more balanced diet. Foods like carrots, celery, apples, bell peppers, green beans, and other crunchy fruits and vegetables are important to include in their diet.

If their teeth are insufficient for eating because of decay, they’ll be less likely to keep these habits going into adulthood. That means they’ll be more prone to eating soft foods that don’t trigger pain associated with cavities.

More Decay-Causing Bacteria Live in the Mouth

Once baby teeth start falling out and permanent teeth start coming in, you don’t want diseased baby teeth to be inside the mouth at the same time. This only allows that bacteria to reach the permanent teeth, which could hinder their development.

The more decay-causing bacteria that exists in the mouth, the more likely their permanent teeth will develop cavities before they even finish growing.

Their Overall Smile and Bite are At Risk

Many parents don’t realize this, but baby teeth are for more than just helping them eat tougher foods in their early stages of life. According to your Phillipsburg dentist, baby teeth are meant to act as spacers until their permanent teeth begin erupting. If these teeth fall out due to decay, their permanent teeth can easily start erupting before they’re supposed to.

Premature permanent teeth erupting can lead to overcrowding in the mouth, which can lead to bite problems and misalignment later. To fix these issues, your child will most likely need braces to correct them, costing you more money in dental bills down the line.

Don’t put your child’s oral health at risk. Taking care of all their teeth and not just their permanent ones is key to proper development. If you have more questions, schedule an appointment with your dentist in Phillipsburg today!

About the Author

Dr. Jeffrey DeMartino has four children of his own, so he understands the importance of early oral care. After graduating from Fairleigh S. Dickinson School of Dental Medicine to earn his D.M.D., he joined his father and future wife at the DeMartino Dental Group P.C. in his hometown to provide high-quality dental care to the community. To learn more about his experience in dentistry and practice, contact him at (908) 859-5260 or visit his website.

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